Close your eyes and make a wish


Strawberry Singh brought us another great meme this week, but it took me to now to get around to adding my post to the many responses. Check out her original post here :

Meme instructions: Share three things you wish for or about your Second Life. They could be things you wish from Linden Lab, things you would like to have inworld, things you would like to do, or any kind of wishes you may have.

Ok there are a lot of things we could wish for..less lag, better mesh fit, faster.. well anyway here’s my specific three..warning my list may change tomorrow when I have had enough battling with lag 😛

1. Group List- I wish there was no limit, nor any need to have a limit to how many groups we can belong to in SL. I have heard the arguments why we can’t but as this is my three wishes I ignore the practicalities and wish I could join as many groups  as i wish with no disadvantage, other than coping with all that wonderful information.

2. Eyelashes that adjust to fit perfectly  …. perhaps you trace the line along your eye and hey presto the eyelash reshapes to fit with no other adjustments. Change your skin or change your shape, trace a new line and instant correction of the fit.

3. Automatic wardrobe assimilation.. now if I could only have one wish for an improved SL it would be this one. My idea : as part of this function you create a set of personalized wardrobe categories, then every time you purchase you click a button to have your new skirt, dress or shoes automatically fitted into the appropriate folder, no unpacking,no drop and drag, no relabeling needed  .

Okay so none of them are likely to ever be possible but they’re fun wishes .

A bonus wish: that everyone who reads this has a little smile and enjoys the rest of their day.

Basic details: Skin by Skinnery,Hair by Vanity Hair, Eyelids and lashes by Slink, Jewelry by Chop Zuey, Top by Sassy


3 thoughts on “Close your eyes and make a wish

  1. I love your wishes and i wish for as many groups also…and yes Wardrobe help would be WONDERFUL 🙂 take all our doubled and tripled and so forth of stuff and just give us a nice tidy inventory! 🙂

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